Honors and the e'school

<p>My son has been accepted to the honors program. He is a prospective aerospace major and would like to get a minor. How reasonable is it to complete in four years along with the 18hrs required for the honors diploma? Only 3hrs can be earned from internships, leaving the remaining 15hrs to classroom and independent study/research. Can you expect to get the 15hrs in choosing honors sections of classes you would need anyway (ie Honors Chem, Honors MV Calc, etc.), or do those hours have to come from the speciality honors classes (Colloquia)?</p>

<p>Thanks for your input!</p>

<p>It depends on which honors diploma he wants. You can do a pretty good job of getting honors credit, and there’s quite a few other ways to get honors credit. Study abroad, research, summer internships, co-ops, independent studies, etc.</p>

<p>He should take colloquia just because they’re interesting, and are a good way to help your grades as well as meet awesome faculty.</p>