Honors app big mistake

<p>I assumed the dead line for freshmen honors app was 11.59pm on 1st of December (from the email they sent to accepted students) meant it's on Saturday midnight. when I finally finished the essays and tried to access the honors app this morning, it is just vanished :(
bahhhhhh....lesson learned .
when can apply again?</p>

<p>someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you can get in until next year</p>

<p>NatGeo: Not to worry…the application was only temporarily down this morning. It is back up and should be open until 11:59 PM tonight, 12/1/12.</p>


<p>Jon Kotinek
Associate Director
Honors and Undergraduate Research</p>

<p>Thank you so much for the information. I am going to submit my app right away.
I thought I missed the deadline…phew…such a relief. thanks once again…</p>