Honors Application - Admittance 2011?

<p>Has anyone submitted the Honors application and received an admittance for 2011?</p>

<p>I submitted my honors app a few weeks ago and haven’t heard anything back yet. Does anyone know if we do receive an official acceptance? It tells you on the application that you’re automatically accepted if you have the scores, but I was assuming they give you official notice.</p>

<p>Yes you are given official notice, but for some reason they take awhile. I think the Honors Office lets them accumulate and then prints and sends them out in bunches.</p>

<p>Last year I remember many CC people getting them all in the same week or so.</p>

<p>Do you apply to Honors after you’ve been accepted to the college?</p>

<p>In the past, students applied after acceptance…don’t know if that’s still the case. </p>

<p>The link to apply for honors used to appear after acceptance. Check on MyBama…academics tab…left column down.</p>


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<p>**The Honors College</p>

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<p>Still waiting to hear whether S can apply for UHP & IHP first and then do CBHP, whomever m2ck gave me was checking into it.</p>

<p>My son received his admittance into the honors program about a week ago.</p>

<p>It didn’t specify whether he got into the CBPH, and we didn’t expect that it could or would. We’re assuming they’ll have to wait until after the honors app deadline for that announcement, since they’ll want to pick from all the applicants for that program.</p>

<p>My son’s invite to apply to UFE came about a week after he got the other letter.</p>

<p>CBHP and UFE have an interview weekend in February.</p>

<p>I’m glad to hear that people are getting their honors college (UHP/IHP) acceptances.</p>

<p>My S is just a junior, but I am hoping that Bama will at the top of his list AND I hope that his scores will be in the ballpark for one of the many scholarships. </p>

<p>I don’t get the distinction between the Academic Elite Scholarships and the University Fellows. Are the elite scholars a subset of the UF?</p>

<p>I think I understand that he applies to the university and, once accepted, applies to the Honors College. Then, based on his various numbers, he becomes eligible for the various scholarships. </p>

<p>Am I on the right track?</p>

<p>M2CK will correct me if I am wrong, but in the past, those students who were NM were not Academic Elite Fellows. There are some NM who are Fellows. Some are Fellows and in CBHP.</p>

<p>As for the CBHP and Fellows, students interested in one or both apply. Their applications will be screened by committees. With CBHP, they generally select about 50 or so to attend the February weekend where they learn more about the program, meet the current CBHers and go for an interview. The same type of thing goes on with Fellows, but a lower number will be selected to attend that weekend.</p>

<p>Still awaiting word on whether S can fill out the Honors application then come back and do cbhp. Of course, he should just do them all now, but he wants to spend a lot of time on the cbhp.</p>

<p>^I, of course, don’t know the answer to your question, Idinct, since (like you) I am a parent of a first-time Bama prospie. But I’ve seen your question a few times and have been curious as to the answer myself.</p>

<p>If it were me (that is, my son), I would say that there’s no benefit to waiting around for the answer. The application deadline for both programs is months away. So there’s really no rush to send in one without the other.</p>

<p>More significantly, it would be just our family’s luck that, even if somebody from UA or CC DID tell my son that he could do one first and the other later, he’d run into some sort of technical glitch that interfered with the second app. And that would take phone calls, and double-checking things, and worries about whether both applications made it to the correct places, and … yuk. The risk of future problems just wouldn’t be worth it to me.</p>

<p>He loses nothing by waiting until he has both essays just the way he wants them and then hitting “submit.” :)</p>

<p>^Hey, Idinct. It occurred to me that I could have my son check out his online honors app and see how it looked now that he’s completed it.</p>

<p>He applied to 2 of the honors programs by checking the applicable 2 boxes on the form. And sure enough, when he signs back in and looks at his honors app, there are two shaded-out boxes (the 2 he checked), and one black-ink-colored box (the 1 he didn’t check) that he could choose to check right now.</p>

<p>And, there are also two red boxes called “Save Changes and Re-Submit Application” that he could click on to resubmit.</p>

<p>In fact, my son has already updated the resume he downloaded onto his honors app by “browsing” all over again, selecting his new, updated resume from “my documents,” and clicking on the red “Save Changes and Re-Submit Application.”</p>

<p>For these reasons, I do believe your son could probably apply to one now and the other later.</p>

<p>But, if it were me, I’d just submit them both at the same time – since there’s no reason not to.</p>

<p>Good luck with it! I know you’ve been waiting a while for an answer! :)</p>

<p>Good point SL. He should just finish them both.</p>

As I’ve said in earlier posts, I am just a parent of an interested high school senior. So I’m certainly no expert. But, from what I’ve gathered, honors acceptances work like this… </p>

<p>Apply to Bama first, as you said, and then apply to the Honors College. There are 3 honors programs on the Honors College app. University Honors (UHP), International Honors (IHP), and Computer-Based Honors (CBHP). Students can apply to one, two, or three of them.</p>

<p>With certain stats, the honors college application is just a formality for both the IHP and UHP. Also, as an NMF applicant, the honors college app is just a formality for both the IHP and UHP. Fill out the app, and <em>poof,</em> you’re in either or both of those programs.</p>

<p>CBHP is more selective. There’s an additional essay for it, and there’s no guaranteed admittance.</p>

<p>Then, there’s the UFE program, which is apparently extremely selective. Students can only apply to UFE by invitation, and an invitation is only offered after applying to at least one of the other 3 programs. I have no idea how selective it is to get an invitation. The UFE application says that over 1000 applicants will be eligible to apply. I also don’t know how many are selected, but I don’t think it’s very many.</p>

<p>So, my take on all this is that all of the above are honors programs of sorts. UHP, IHP, CBHP, and UFE. </p>

<p>Then, there are Academic Elites. My take on this, though I may well be wrong, is that they are, as you guessed a subset of UFE’s. And, I THINK, Academic Elite refers more to a scholarships classification than a “program” or “honors program” of sorts.</p>

<p>We asked a few questions about Academic Elite scholarships while we were on campus over the summer. The student tour guide (who I think was one), said that all Academic Elites were from the UFE program. I assume he knew what he was talking about. Since you can be in UFE AND CBHP, for instance, you COULD be CBHP and Academic Elite. But, Academic Elites are definitely chosen from the UFE. (according to our tour guide, anyway)</p>

<p>I hope somebody will correct me if I’m wrong! :)</p>

<p>Yes…Academic Elites are selected from UFE…but I wish the school would get rid of it. I think it’s GROSSLY unfair…</p>

<p>1) I don’t think it’s ever been given to a NMF, because they already get a big scholarship, yet the Elite scholarship is a lot more.</p>

<p>2) I think instead that all UFE and CBH students who aren’t NMFs should be given a housing allowance. </p>

<p>3) There’s a terrible risk that the few that get the Elite scholarship will turn out to be rather flaky UFE members, yet they’re collecting a full ride PLUS a big stipend while others who are working harder are not??? CRAZY.</p>

<p>I’m in agreement with m2ck concerning the Academic Elite scholarships. UFE is still a young program compared to CBHP, UHP, and IHP, so it is still learning the ropes so to speak and is becoing quite the well-respected program in the process (IIRC, it is modeled after a program at UGA). I feel very much that there should at least be a token financial award for being in CBHP and/or UHP due to the significant amount of extra work involved. Though I suspect they are weeded out during the application process, this change would also reduce the amount of people who apply to UFE primarily because of the Academic Elite scholarships.</p>

<p>Due in part to the confusion concerning the possibility of applying to CBHP after applying to UHP/IHP, I propose that both UFE and CBHP require an application that is separate from the one for UHP/IHP.</p>

<p>As a reminder to those filling out the application for UHP and/or IHP and meet the minimum requirements for admission into those programs, while the application is a formality as far as your admission is concerned, the essays you write are meaningful in that it gives the honors college a sense of who you are, where you’ve been, and what you aspire to become.</p>

<p>^I agree w/ SEA<em>tide. Though the app is a formality for those groups, students should do their best on the essays. Not only for the reasons SEA</em>tide mentioned, which are always good reasons, but more tangibly, so they can improve their chances for an invitation to apply to UFE (and thereby Academic Elite?) – if that’s something that appeals to them.</p>

<p>I am disappointed to hear that NMFs may possibly never be selected for Academic Elite, though. I hadn’t heard that when asking all our questions on campus. That $8500 stipend is QUITE attractive! :frowning: </p>

<p>We did notice, while asking, that the Academic Elite thing seems to be quite hush-hush. We got the feeling that people did not want to talk about it. We weren’t sure if they didn’t really know about it, if they weren’t exactly sure of the facts, or if they were kind of told NOT to talk about it. We had a funny sense about that while on campus. But at the time, we kept thinking, “Surely this isn’t a “secret.” Why would a category that’s clearly mentioned on the handout they gave us be a secret?” So we asked away!</p>

<p>SimpleLife: Tried to send you a PM but couldn’t. </p>

<p>M2CK is right about the Academic Elite program. It should be ended or revamped.</p>