Honors College App - Made Mistake?

<p>DD submitted her Honors College app yesterday and where it asked if she was interested in living communities housing she selected “no” not realizing that Honors College housing was amongst those options. How do we rectify this? She received her Honors acceptance today.</p>

<p>I’m thinking that the “are you interested in living-learning communities” question is used to add applicants to an email or mailing list about living-learning communities. It certainly doesn’t prevent one from being eligible to join a living-learning community.</p>

<p>UA’s applications often have similar questions about interest in joining certain interest groups and asking if one would like a representative from a specific religion to contact the applicant about that religion’s student activities, service times, etc. Answering yes or no neither obligates or prohibits one from participating in those activities.</p>

<p>In addition, when one mentions on the application that they plan to have a certain major and participate in certain honors programs, it doesn’t mean that they can’t switch majors, drop out of certain honors programs, etc. Except for CBHP and UFE, most majors and programs accept applications from current students, so switching is certainly possible if the student so desires.</p>

<p>^^^Agree, don’t think it’s a problem. you could contact admissions and ask if they could manually change her choice so she will receive mail about the living/learning communities.</p>

<p>We filled out the housing application today and had no problem selecting Honors housing. Anyone know which dorm that will be next year?</p>

<p>I didn’t recall seeing anything on the honors application that asked about living communities or housing after my son entered the info and we just checked and didn’t see anything about housing. Did we miss something?</p>

<p>Sorry, can’t recall exactly, but I think there was a check box that said Would you be interested in a living community? It didn’t matter though as the Housing application lets you select what you want on it.</p>

<p>Thank you. I asked my son and he remembered there being several boxes to check off regarding your interests. I think I remember that also. All of this is such a blur, haha. It’s hard to keep it all straight. Thanks so much for your response.</p>

<p>I hear you about the blur and now I’m freaking out because she has not heard from several schools on the Common App about their website login info (to check application status) despite getting nearly all of her applications done in August and Sept. She’s my first and this is all new to us. :/</p>