Honors College Freshman Unable to Attend Honors Bama Bound

<p>Due to graduation and a vacation conflict, my son is not able to attend one of the Honors College Bama Bound sessions. He is registered for the June 13-14 session. I recall that at some point during orientation, honors kids will have the opportunity to meet with Honors College faculty/staff even during a traditional Freshman Orientation session. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there someone we should contact prior to his orientation to make sure he has this opportunity? Any suggestions would help!! :)</p>

<p>I’ve generally found it best to go straight to the source when I’m not sure. I’d suggest calling the Honors College directly. The UA phone number is (205) 348-6010. They’ll connect you to the Honors College.</p>

<p>Semi-related to your question, here’s a web page with lots of handy info and links for incoming Honors College students. </p>

<p>[Honors</a> College - Honors Bama Bound](<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=honors-bama-bound]Honors”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=honors-bama-bound)</p>

<p>Many of you will be pleased with the last two paragraphs:


<p>We too attended the regular BB session 2 years ago and I imagine its the same. Anyways there are breakout sessions during a part of BB and one of your options is for Honors. We even had an opportunity to speak with them after the short presentation, Q&A.</p>

<p>Is it better to attend a regular BB session in June than to wait for July honors one, if the schedule is the same next year?</p>

<p>My D, a rising senior, just told me the dates her friends want to do a senior trip next year is the week of Memorial Day. So that would mean no Honors Bama Bound for her…</p>

<p>Having recently been to an Honors BB session, I don’t think it makes much difference whether you go to the honors session or not. The only things that seemed Honors related to me were a brief presentation by Allison Verhine (I didn’t learn anything I didn’t already know from reading this forum and the Honors College website) and a reception in Nott Hall. We missed most of the reception because it was at the same time as D’s advising session, and it was a madhouse when we finally got there - very crowded. We looked for Dr. Morgan but couldn’t find her in the crowd, and Dr. Sharpe, whom D wanted to meet, was out of town. D did have an opportunity to meet with Mrs. Batson and I talked with one honors faculty member and a couple members of the support staff. I can assure you that the advising was not geared to Honors students, at least in the business school. For instance, from everything I’ve heard, Honors students don’t need to take the freshman compass course (GBA 145), yet the advisors told everyone there (all of whom were in honors) that it was required. So given a choice between a regular session in June and honors in July, I’d go earlier.</p>