Honors college suspension

<p>if a student were to be suspended from the honors college due to a low GPA, what does that mean for his/her status in honors housing? does it mean the student can still use his/her housing scholarship, just not in honors housing?</p>

<p>Are we talking about one semester of a low GPA? If so, then the student isn’t yet kicked out of honors. </p>

<p>But, yes, the housing scholarship can be used towards any on campus housing.</p>

<p>What year is this student?</p>

<p>Housing doesn’t move any student during the year unless the student requests it or there is a major issue necessitating a room change. Being suspended from honors will not cause someone to be removed from honors housing in the middle of the year. </p>

<p>Be aware that the Honors college does have a probationary period during the semester after one is no longer eligible for honors due to a low GPA. As long as one gets a 3.3 or higher in future semesters, they will stay on Honors College probation until their UA GPA is 3.3 or above.</p>

<p>My understanding is that the review to see if a student meets the 3.3 GPA Honors College requirement starts after the first semester, correct? Meaning that, for freshman, they don’t wait until the end of the first full year (two semesters), which I think I have seen is the case for the 3.0 GPA merit scholarship requirement. If so, then if you get below a 3.3 for fall semester freshman year, are you then put on probation? And if you then are assigned honors housing for the next school year during the recontracting process in January and don’t get a 3.3 or better in the spring semester, are you suspended from the Honors College and bumped from honors to non-honors housing or do you get to stay in what you were assigned?</p>