Honors Housing

<p>Is honors housing guaranteed each year you’re in the honors program? In other words, am I guaranteed honors housing during my freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years if I want to stay there?</p>

<p>No…there aren’t enough honors beds to guarantee that every honors student has a spot for all 4 years. I think that there are about 2500 honors beds.</p>

<p>However, NMFs and NAs can have honors housing every year IF recontract. </p>

<p>Frankly, unless you have a housing scholarship, you can find cheaper housing off campus.<br>
But, if you wanted on campus housing all 4 years, you might be able to get it…it’s just not guaranteed.</p>

<p>I am NMSF, hopefully will be NMF. Are you saying that I would be eligible every year if NMF? I don’t know what recontract means.</p>

<p>I’m a NMSF… does that mean I’m guaranteed free honors housing for 4 years?</p>

<p>NMFs do get honors housing for all 4 years since it’s part of the scholarship. However, you do have to recontract at recontracting time so that they know for sure that you’re staying on campus.</p>

<p>Recontract means…in October of every year, you need to indicate that you’ll be staying on campus…then in Feb, you have to pay the housing deposit (which will be refunded to you when school starts) and pick your dorm.</p>

<p>Thank you! That’s what I was hoping for.</p>

<p>Sounds good. Thanks!</p>