<p>1) I was accepted into honors, can a non-honors kid still live with me in Elicott? </p>
<p>2) Has anyone here seen Elicott? What's it like?</p>
<p>3)Where is Elicott on campus? In the middle, on the outskirts, etc.</p>
<p>Thanks guys, congrats to everyone who got in.</p>
<p>I am curious about this too. Can someone who is in Scholars room with my daughter who is in Honors?</p>
<p>My DS lives in Ellicott. It is directly across from the Stadium. Most of the Scholars programs are “living/learning communities” and roommates must be in the same program to room together.</p>
<p>Is it completely forbidden to bring in non-honors kids? And if I do Gemstone do I have to room with Gemstone kids? That seems weird to me.</p>
<p>1) I’m not sure</p>
<p>2) It’s almost identical to all the other North Campus dorms. Just your typical freshman high-rise. Not ideal living, but you’ll be with so many other freshmen. It’s right near the dining hall though, which is a plus.</p>
<p>3) It’s near the dining hall, the gym, Comcast Center, and Byrd (football stadium). It’s not too far from the student union. It’s a decent walk to get to the mall, and it’s far from South Campus, where you may have some classes. Being on North Campus is not great for getting to (most) classes, but you learn to deal with it. It’s not that bad, and living with nearly all the other freshman makes it work. And sometimes you’ll have nearby classes, where the South Campus students have to walk far to.</p>
<p>Also, I noticed you said it seems weird to room with Gemstone kids. It’s really not weird at all. Each honors program lives together. You’ll find that it’s actually a great little community and it is just an overall good freshman living situation. Also, keep in mind that you’re going to be right in the middle of North Campus, and surrounded by dorms that have all the other regular freshman. </p>
<p>For the who-can-dorm-with-who questions, like I said, I’m not sure, but I do know that when I lived in the honors dorm for University Honors last year, pretty much everyone in the building was a freshman honors student (few exceptions). Also, I would highly recommend Honors housing if you have the opportunity for it. Don’t think it’s just a bunch of super smart kids studying all the time. It’s not; it’s a lot of fun with a nice fun/study balance, and there will be plenty of people just like you. You’re all college students, after all.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies. I didn’t mean it was weird to room with gemstone kids, I meant that I think it is weird that they would make us room with them. If we have other friends that we want to room with outside of gemstone, I think it should be our own choice to live with them.</p>
<p>1) I was accepted into honors, can a non-honors kid still live with me in Elicott? </p>
<p>Ans: It’s rare that a non-honors kid will be assigned to you. The only way that I can see a non-honors kid will be paired up with you is if you turned in your housing agreement late or if you purposely wanted to room with a non-honors friend. </p>
<p>2) Has anyone here seen Elicott? What’s it like?</p>
<p>Ellicott dorm or community? The dorm itself is fairly nice (can’t beat La Plata though
) but there is no AC. The community itself is very nice; the diner is situated right in the middle so there’s no commute to get your meals (compared to living in Cambridge or Denton communities). </p>
<p>3)Where is Elicott on campus? In the middle, on the outskirts, etc.</p>
<p>Ellicott community (also containing Ellicott dorm) is in north campus. Most of your classes tend to be near the center of campus. <a href=“http://www.cvs.umd.edu/visitors/2010%20Campus%20Map.pdf[/url]”>http://www.cvs.umd.edu/visitors/2010%20Campus%20Map.pdf</a></p>
<p>Congrats to everyone who got in!</p>
<p>Well they need to be able to accommodate all the Gemstone (or whatever program) kids. Plus, if half the people bring in a friend to room with, you kind of lose the whole point/advantage of honors housing.</p>
<p>Thanks novadedmon, helpful stuff.</p>
<p>“Plus, if half the people bring in a friend to room with, you kind of lose the whole point/advantage of honors housing.”</p>
<p>Yeah, I guess you’re right. I don’t see the big advantage of living with your study group, though. I’ll most likely be rooming with my friend who is trying to do Gemstone with me anyway. I was asking mostly because 5 of my good friends got in but 1 didn’t get into honors and we wanted to bring him in with us. Thanks again for the answers guys.</p>
<p>I checked with Resident life and received the official ruling
“only Honors student may reside in Honors resident halls” I specificlly asked if my son could bring a Scholars student and they said no. They suggested that you leave the roommate request portion blank on the app. “it can be changed until June 30th”</p>
<p>Not an expert I’m going through all this first time like you guys just like to share info when I find it. The Yoda’s of this site are astrophysicsmom, momof3great girls, and plumazul</p>
<p>Thanks for checking. What advantage is there in leaving it blank? The policy isn’t going to change. My daughter was planning to room with her best friend, who got into Scholars. Looks like she will roll the dice, like I did at my college. Good way to meet new people.</p>
<p>In case they find another roommate such as another person from school/community/another school/or someone they meet at an orientation thats what we plan on. I never lived at school so its hard for me to advise him. Because of my background, I worry about rolling the dice and what may happen. Ive known people that have been completly mismatched that results in a semester that is miserable, or other possibilities including meeting lifelong friends. Hedging the odds when at all possible in life is always preffered if possible</p>