Honors housing

I’m just parroting what they told us at Bama Blund estimating bed space and to have low expectations as a returning upperclassman. I think they would’ve been more positive with it when parents asked in the open forum if it were so easy and simple. They weren’t. I’d love for the next person who attends BB asks this exact same question…housing availability on campus for returning students.

Thanks again for all of the great info. Honors housing is not as important as available housing in general. I have read some posts about off campus shuttles ending before classes are over for the day and that bothers me. Although my 18 yr old daughter might be ready to move off campus, her dad might not be willing to allow it - especially if it is not within close and safe walking distance.

From what others have said it seems not to be a problem, but if your daughter could not get on campus housing after freshman year there are other options within walking distance that do not require a shuttle. One example is East Edge Apartments http://www.eastedgeapartments.com/

Other possibilities can be found through the UA off campus housing search https://offcampushousing.ua.edu/property/rental (one of the search options is distance from campus.)

Sorority housing on campus is another possibility if your daughter is planning to rush.