Honors Service Class...teaching kids how to play Chess

<p>Dear Honors Student:</p>

<p>If you enjoy playing chess and would like to turn your skills into a credit-earning independent study that changes the lives of local children, register for the spring course Every Move Counts: A Chess in Education Project (UH 333). Every Move Counts is a nationally unique service-learning course in which UA students teach chess at local elementary and middle schools while studying the academic and social benefits the game holds for children and its use in creative education-reform efforts across the country.</p>

<p>Who should participate?</p>

<p>Any UA student who enjoys chess (you don’t have to be good at the game; just know how to play), is interested in learning about its role in education and wants to be involved in bettering the lives of area children.</p>

<p>What are the course requirements/credit?</p>

<p>Every Move Counts is a 2-credit Honors independent study comprised of classroom instruction and community service at local schools. The spring class will meet on Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., and each student also devotes at least one hour per week to teaching children chess. </p>

<p>How do I join?</p>

<p>Register for UH-333: Every Move Counts. For more information, contact me or the UA Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility at <a href=“mailto:cesr@ua.edu”>cesr@ua.edu</a> or 205-348-6490. More information is available at cesr.ua.edu/documents/chess%20brochure.pdf and cesr.ua.edu/programsandactivities/everymovecounts.html.</p>

<p>Thank you for considering the course.</p>

<p>Olivia Grider</p>

<p>research project coordinator</p>

<p>Center for Ethics & Social Responsibility</p>

<p>113 Temple Tutwiler</p>

<p>Box 870168</p>

<p>Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0168</p>

<p>(205) 348-6493</p>

<p>Sounds like a great course. I’m guessing since it’s a 300 level course, it’s not open to freshmen. Thanks for passing this on. Another example of Bama’s dedication to the community, something that was a big selling point for son and us.</p>

<p>Yes, it’s open to freshmen. If a class is a 300 level, but doesn’t have any pre-reqs, there’s no reason a freshman can’t take it.</p>

<p>Awesome! Kudos to Bama for its community service!</p>

<p>This sounds awesome, but it doesn’t fit into my schedule this year. Will it be offered again in the future? I hope so!</p>

<p>The teaching chess class was offered last spring, if that’s of any assistance. Depending on interest, it probably will be offered in the future.</p>