Hooray for Hamilton! They do the RIGHT thing: needs blind admissions. Truly!

<p>College</a> Acts to Disregard Fiscal Need in Admissions - NYTimes.com</p>

<p>So many schools CLAIM they are needs blind in admissions but are telling a big fairy tale. Many schools consider MONEY when making admissions decisions. That is all fine and dandy....just tell students and parents the TRUTH.</p>

<p>1) How is this different from other schools that “claim” to be need-blind? I personally choose to believe those schools, since IMO it’s too easy for a disgruntled admissions officer to play whistleblower if they lie explicitly. According to the article, Hamilton is only joining those schools in being “need-blind.”</p>

<p>2) Does Hamilton guarantee to meet full need? Is there an explicit limit on loans?</p>