Horrible freshman year

<p>Hi I go to UCLA and my freshman year GPA was horrible. I have a 3.37 cumulative GPA so far.</p>

<p>Fall Quarter:
Math - B+
Chem - B+
Asian American Studies(GE) - A-</p>

<p>Winter Quarter
Math - A
Chem - C+
Chem Lab - A-
Arch and Urban Design(GE) - Pass</p>

<p>Spring Quarter
Math - B-
Ochem - B+
English - B+
Classics(GE) - A</p>

<p>I am confident I can bring up my GPA.. I just slacked off my freshman year. Or is it hopeless? Are my med school chances over?</p>

<p>A 3.37 GPA isn’t that terrible. Many people get into medical school with around that GPA, although of course it is harder. If you buckle down these next few years and improve your GPA by about a quarter of a point, your chance of acceptance will very grow rapidly.</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.aamc.org/download/157450/data/table24-mcatgpagridall2008-10.pdf.pdf[/url]”>https://www.aamc.org/download/157450/data/table24-mcatgpagridall2008-10.pdf.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I had a 3.42 after my freshman year. Now going to a top-ten medical school. Its not ideal, but it can be done–I spent the next 3 years busting my butt to raise my GPA.</p>