Hospitality Program

<p>Does anyone kniow how VT's HTM program rank? I have heard its very strong for Grad school....but trying to get info on the Undergrad program.</p>

<p>any input?</p>

<p>I think it is an excellent program now that it is part of the Pamplin Business School. They offer lots of internships and and the Pamplin School has over 400 recruiters a year.</p>

<p>Thanks Kayjo...he will have a tough choice. Also accepted at Cornell, UNLV, Houston, Penn State and Johnson & Wales.</p>

<p>I went to Penn State and don't remember a Hospitality Program.
Also, if you do a search for Johnson and Wales, there is a good thread from someone who is very unhappy there.</p>

<p>Kayjo.Penn State is ranked in top 5........part of Health Science department. I emailed amith1 about her son's issues with J&W. That school is farther down my son's list.</p>

<p>Wow- I loved Penn State- glad to hear they have such a high rating for HTM. Your son has some good choices!!!
We looked the programs at VaTech and Houston for my D, I liked Tech better since it was instate and closer to home. I did like that they had just built a new on-campus hotel for the program.
However, she ended up in communications at a much smaller school. I still want her to do the Disney College Program- I think she is very suited to that field.</p>

<p>Interesting thing is at Houston, if you qualify for at least a $1000 competitive schalarship, they waive OOS fees.</p>