Household Gross Income?

<p>So my parents are divorced, and I live with my mom. However, my dad provides spousal and child support to my mom. For Household gross income, do I just include what my dad gives to my mom in support, or do I have to include how much he makes also?</p>

<p>Because it says “For parent income, that includes money earned by your parents and step-parents who contribute to your support.” So that makes it seem like I need to include all the money earned by my dad since he contributes to my support…</p>

<p>I actually left this field blank and was able to submit it, so you do what you feel conrtibutes you.</p>

<p>You should include what your mom makes and what your dad gives her. You are in a single-parent family, so you don’t need to include his entire income.</p>

<p>Thanks Ms Sun!</p>