@UAHAdmissions I ran across this statement in the Homeschooling thread, given in response to a question on utilizing dorm housing curing co-ops:
“As long as the co-op is conducted through our Career Services Department, he will be able to maintain all privileges of a full-time student: on-campus housing, fitness center and library access, and will have his scholarship adjusted to compensate for his semester off from taking classes. He will not lose any portion of his scholarship; his scholarship will just be put on hold until he returns to being a full-time student. The way this works is he gets “enrolled” in a co-op section, which housing and career services use to make sure he retains all his student privileges.”
It’s great to know that students can stay in the dorm during their co-op, and that their scholarship will be put on hold. May I assume that for a student who has a scholarship for tuition + housing, their housing would also be on hold and they would pay for housing for the co-op semester?