Housing Email - Recontracting Students

<p>Partial text of email</p>

<p>*Because of the need to preserve a wide variety of space for incoming freshmen, who must live on campus, several factors, including spring assignment, impact returning students’ choices during room selection. Please note the following information, as it may affect your interest in campus housing for next year:
· Somerville is available only for freshmen. Current residents cannot return to Somerville Hall.
· Bryant Hall is available only for freshman Engineering students. Current Engineering students cannot return to Bryant Hall.
· Harris Hall is composed of freshman living-learning communities, so students cannot return to Harris Hall.
· Residents of Blount Hall must be Blount scholars to return to Blount next year.
· You must be in the Honors College and currently living in Honors Housing, or in the Honors College and currently living in Harris Hall, Blount Hall, the Lofts, Riverside East, North or West, Lakeside East or West, Presidential or Bryant Hall, in order to select a space in Honors Housing.
· You must be living in a suite-style building, or the Lofts, at the time of room selection in order to select a space in a suite-style building.
· Highlands building C and part of E will be dedicated to a living-learning community next year. As previously notified, current residents will not be able to return to certain rooms there.
· Students living in small group housing in Smith Woods cannot select space in their house during room selection. That information will come from an interested student’s organization.

<p>I read this as housing scholarship students living in the Lofts will need to move back to campus to utilize their housing scholarship (no off-campus housing for housing scholarship students next year).</p>

<p>I find the language about honors housing for current non-honors-housing students (i.e. those currently living in Riverside, Lakeside, Presidential, etc.) interesting. Before, the language said you must be in an honors housing community currently to receive honors housing the following year. Now, they have just said as long as you are in the honors college, and live in certain dorms currently, you can continue to select honors housing. I think they realise that they can’t house all honors college students in Ridgecrest any longer. Or, perhaps they will be reserving Ridgecrest for incoming Freshman honors students only?</p>

<p>if an off campus option does become available for housing scholarship students, it won’t be offered until much later in the cycle (summer) when they find they need to make room for freshmen on campus.</p>

<p>The language regarding recontracting for honors housing is likely due to space issues which had students who wanted to live in honors housing being assigned to non-honors housing. For the past few years, Blount students have been allowed to move into honors housing their second year as they are required to live in Blount during their first year in the program.</p>

<p>The letter doesn’t say that Ridgecrest will be reserved for freshmen as current honors students living in certain buildings will be allowed to select spaces in honors housing.</p>

<p>I find it interesting that Somerville will remain for another year while Palmer will be demolished as they have the same layout and are right next to each other.</p>