housing for ucla bio transfer student: De Neve Gardenia, north campus, or near hilgard

Hi, i got accepted into UCLA as a Molecular, Cell, and Dev. Biology major as a transfer student for fall 2016 from carlsbad (north county san diego). Im super social and am considering rushing this fall, but obviously I’m also quite committed to my studies. My whole family went to USC, so yes I’m the black sheep…

I have read other threads about great housing options for transfer students and found out that it would be beneficial to do the UCLA Transfer Experience and meet like-minded people in similar situations by living in the De Neve Gardenia apartments (on the west side of campus).
But, I also read north campus and near hilgard is where the best food is, Greek housing, and social scene is.

Like I said, I’m a bio major and would also prefer housing near the buildings of where my classes are. Can any current UCLA student or someone in my similar situation help me with their inputs???

I’m moving onto campus next year as well! I’ve talked to many current transfers at the fall open house and all of them said dorming defined their experience and a lot of their friends who didn’t dorm didn’t feel like they were part of the school as much

@GirlPower1 when you say dorming, are you referring to living on campus on The Hill? Like the de neve apartments? Will living so far from hilgard make it harder to attend social events etc?

@tracy1017 as far as I know there aren’t any “apartments” in De Neve, they’re plaza style dorms. But yes, I am referring to the dorms located on the hill, I put my preference on the app as a double occupancy plaza with a shared bathroom. Living far from hilgard shouldn’t be too bad as long as you’re still in the Westwood area, people who live off-campus and outside of westwood usually find it harder to attend social events

@GirlPower1 ugh you’re so helpful thank you! did you also put in a request for de neve too? is that the main dorms for transfer students generally?

Hi! I already accepted my offer to UCLA, so now I really need to figure out my housing situation :slight_smile:
I’m planning on rushing also this fall, and I figured that it wouldn’t matter too much where I lived because if I’m going to be joining a sorority, social events like parties shouldn’t be a problem since I’ll be involved!

@tracy1017 aw no problem! I promise I’m no expert in any of this, but happy to help! You can’t request a specific dorm necessarily, the housing app asked me if I was interested in a “Living Learning Community” and then sent me to a section where I could pick which one I was interested in (Obviously I picked the Transfer one) and then the next section gives you 12 slots and you have to put your dorm type (i.e. traditional double, double occupancy plaza shared bathroom, etc) from most interested to least interested and then they do their best to accommodate you once they start assigning dorms

Hi! I live in the De Neve Transfer community, and I’ll do my best to help you out

As GirlPower mentioned, the De Neve rooms are plaza style dorms, not apartments. This means it is a shared bathroom (girls in one, boys in another) and rooms do not have a kitchen. Overall, I really, really like living here. Everyone is super friendly, and it was nice to be among people who were also going through transitioning from CC to UC. My friends that lived elsewhere did not seem to have as large of a sense of community. To apply for the program, I had to indicate it on my application and write a brief summary of why I wanted to live in themed housing.

North campus does not have any dorms/university apartments, so you’d have to find something separate. Also, I’m not really sure what food you are referring to, since all dining halls are in the dorm area and Ackerman is central campus. Additionally, while North Campus may be more social (debatable), if you are looking for parties (frat or apartment), then Gayley/Strathmore is where you want to be near.

Hope that helps!

Does anyone know if there’s a Facebook page for UCLA transfers or something so that we can look for roommates, etc? Just wondering because out of high school when I was originally supposed to be attending Cal Poly SLO, we had one specifically geared for first years to find roommates, etc. and it was a super big help!
Just wondering :slight_smile:

@by3000 look up UCLA Class of 2018 Roommate Search

hey guys does anyone know when I can apply for UCLA housing?

@sevenblue7 whenever, I already submitted my app

So for the dorms that don’t have a kitchen in the rooms… Is there one outside that everyone uses? Like a hostel?

Hitch suites has a communal kitchen. I suspect it’s not common in the residences and plazas though.

^ correct. There is no kitchen in the transfer housing