Housing options

<p>I don't drink or smoke or anything like that, and I'm thinking about doing Healthy Living, but I'm worried that the sort of people that would choose to live on one of those floors would be very uptight or self-righteous about all of that. Being around people who drink, etc, doesn't bother me that much, I'm just not really into it.</p>

<p>Is there a significant difference in the sort of person who does healthy living compared to everybody else at Tufts?</p>

<p>How shall I properly phrase this... </p>

<p>If you have any idea of what Tufts students are like, you would realize that they are NOT "uptight and self-righteous." They aren't feeling all superiour to those who drink, mostly because a lot of them drink themselves. Many of my friends, like me, did not drink until age 21, and we just didn't want to be around drunken people. </p>

<p>Personally, I did healthly living because I'm allergic to smoke and I wanted my room to be my sanctuary (ah, the days of having a single)... just didn't want to be woken up by drunken people. As I said, there are people who drink on healthy living or return there drunk, but they are at least subtle about it so that they don't get thrown out.</p>

<p>That's the sort of response I was hoping for. </p>

<p>Thank you! :D</p>

<p>So, 2009ers, what did everyone end up requesting? Frosh, healthy living, bridge, Richardson?</p>

<p>I went for frosh... I thought it was the best socially...</p>

<p>I went for frosh too... and I agree with rage on it seeming the best socially</p>

<p>I kind of wish I had lived in an all-freshman dorm. My dorm had mostly freshmen, with some sophomores and a handful of seniors mixed in, and I didn't really know anyone who wasn't a freshman.</p>

<p>I too wished that I had the all freshman dorm experience (I asked for it but didn't get it), but I don't regret for one moment the friendships I made living in my freshman year hall.</p>

<p>oh, i definitely wanted all-frosh housing. I'm a very outgoing person and one of the things i'm looking forward to most is meeting amazing, interesting new people. I figure that freshmen, not yet having established a set group of friends, will be a lot more willing to be social and forge friendships. I feel as though if I were in a mostly-sophomore dorm, I wouldn't make nearly as many friends because the upperclassmen already HAVE friends.</p>

<p>So I asked for Tilton/Houston, and actually wrote in, "Tilton, please!" because i heard that it's smaller, and I'm from a really small New Jersey suburb and love the community feel. Also, Tilton is closer to Dewick, which is the bigger dining hall and has THE most amazing food. It's like a restaurant in there. Carmichael is also tasty, but not anywhere near Dewick's level. I also really liked our tour guide, and he said that Tilton was amazing and he loved every minute of living there.</p>

<p>Later I met this guy from the next town over who just finished freshman year at Tufts, and he said that Houston was definitely better, because "it's all about uphill." Apparently uphill has a better social scene...so who knows? i'm sure either Tilton or Houston will be beyond awesome. The only thing I regret is that I can only have one roommate. My favorite living arrangement is suite-style; i'm secretly terrified that my roommate will end up being some antisocial suicidal girl that I can't relate to (i'm out there and super-positive, lol)...but hopefully, even if i get a less-than-stellar roommate, the social atmosphere of frosh living will throw tons of cool people my way.</p>

<p>and that's my little speech for today :-D</p>

<p>sidebar: has ANYONE gotten their email addresses yet? I feel as though all my friends at school have gotten theirs already.</p>

<p>OOH, Edited to Add: Another reason I chose Tilton is because of the downhill location in another sense. When I went to Tufts for the weekend, I was staying in Houston, and would be hanging out with kids from Downhill, then forced to trudge ALL the way back up to Houston, uphill. I think that it's better to live downhill and have to walk uphill in the morning, when you're semi-fresh, as opposed to when you're tired as hell and falling off your feet at night from god-knows-whatever-you've-been-out-doing. That's just my reasoning though :-D</p>

<p>Haha, my logic is exactly the opposite. I am worried that if I live downhill, I will not want to wake up so that I have to walk uphill in the morning. I'm worried that I will just think that its not worth it, and go back to sleep. If I am uphill getting to class will be easy, then it doesnt matter about getting back up, I have all the time in the world to get motivated (not really, but you get the point). In any case, I didnt specify since I dont think they really care what you say, but maybe they do... Anyways im sure either one will be enjoyable.</p>

<p>I liked living downhill exactly for bluirinka's reasons, plus I do theater and downhill is just so convenient for coming back from rehearsal at 1am.</p>

<p>You get your email address during orientation in August/September.</p>

<p>oh wow that's pretty late, but thanks! now i can stop whining to my friends that they're all on facebook already and i'm not, haha.</p>

<p>i'm glad my logic makes sense to someone, though. but in reality, i'm such a positive person that i could probably convince myself that whichever one i get is best for whatever reasons i can come up with :-D</p>

<p>How can Hill Hall be all freshman when there are singles in it?(See reslife page). Will they turn the singles into forced doubles?</p>

<p>When do you find out roomate info?</p>

<p>I'm wondering about 1stgensane's question as well.</p>

<p>Nuffsaid, we find out in early August =)</p>

<p>The current Tufts students have been wondering as well what's going on with Hill. Usually they use the Hill doubles as forced triples since the rooms are so huge, but I've actually never been in Hill so I have no basis for speculation.</p>