Housing preference section...did D miss this on the Housing application?

D finished the housing application but states there was no place to indicate a dorm preference or choice? I looked back at it with her and couldn’t see it either.

@carrachel2 Your daughter will select her type of room and residential dorm at a later date. If she knows what type of room and where she prefers to live, this would be a good time to start connecting with potential roommates.

She should know if she wants Honors or Non-Honors housing, tradition dorm room or a suite style with individual bedroom, if she wants to be close to a particular area of campus, or if she will rush a sorority ( a lot of girls who rush, like to live in Tutweiler). Once she decides on her preferences, she can then reach out to other potential roommates.
I also suggest that she make a list of backup housing choices, in case her preferred selection is not available. Just remember, when choosing roommates that only Honors Students can live in Honors Housing.