Housing question - Is Ridgecrest South considered the "party" dorm of Honors housing?

Two students have contacted my son asking if he and his confirmed roommate would consider joining their suite in RCW. They said RCS is known as a party dorm, with a lot of “puke” happening over the weekends. I find this hard to believe for an Honors dorm. Would love some opinions.


Kids overindulging can happen in any dorm but in the past I heard it happened more in the Presidential Dorms than the Ridgecrest dorms. I know my oldest was in the dorms 4 years (1 year in Riverside West and 3 years in Ridgecrest East) and didn’t have any problems. My junior was in Ridgecrest East his freshman and sophomore years and didn’t have a problem. Since now only freshman are in the dorms, no students from this present year will be there so it will be a whole new experience… good or bad… but what might have happened this year will not be a factor next year.

Thank you!

There are plenty of honors kids who party and might puke on weekends. Being in an honors dorm is no guarantee against parties and puke. Also, it’s hard to know from one year to the next where the biggest party dorm will be, because there are different freshmen in there every year. If I had to guess, though, my money would be on Presidential.

I went to RCS about 10-15 times on weekends, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday am. I never, ever saw anything resembling that description above in the common spaces. However, since its suite style living, it could certainly be happening in the suites themselves a lot. It is noisier, more going on in the lobby, etc.