Housing waitlist

My first-year daughter applied for housing for next year with three friends. Their indicated preference was to have two people in each of two adjacent rooms. They also indicated that if that was not possible, they would like to live in two groups of two (in non-adjacent rooms or different dorms). They completed their applications completely (listing as many preferences as permitted) and on time.

Housing sent out email to all applicants earlier today with some statistics. It included this statement:

“We are happy to say that we were able to assign all valid roommate groups together.”

My daughter and her three friends then each received email this evening (after the housing office closed) telling them that they are on the “guaranteed waitlist,” and that as spots open up, they will be assigned rooms. They are told they should know their assignment by mid-June.

Does this mean that they are very unlikely to be housed together? Sounds that way.

How does this square with the statement from broadcast email about assigning all valid roommate groups together?

They are going to the housing office tomorrow to discuss the situation. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I’m assuming that the email meant they will all be together for certain, but they need to wait until housing assignments are released to know where they were assigned. Knowing by mid-June is normal for freshman, per GW: “The first-year application period will last from April 24-May 12, 2017. First-year students will be notified of their housing assignment on June 1, 2017.” https://living.gwu.edu/first-year-admits

On that same site, there’s also a section for the waitlist. It basically said that first-year students are guaranteed housing as they’re required to live on campus. But, have too many specific requests can make the assignment process more difficult:

I’m not sure exactly how the girls’ request looked like if they went into detail on how they wanted the rooms set-up, but perhaps they should change their request to just say that they all want to be together and don’t care about the room set-up. Regardless, I think there’s still a very good chance they’ll end-up together. GW, as far as I have known (2007-present) has always done a great job getting roommates together.

By the way, if you haven’t done so yet, you should join the “GWU Parents” Facebook group :slight_smile:

Clarification: my daughter and her friends are currently first-year students, so this is for their sophomore year.

They got ~3 minutes of a student’s time at the housing office today, and were told it is unlikely they will be housed together next year. They had already listed fallback contingencies on their housing application; the only thing they did not list was living separately, which the housing office indicates is the more likely outcome.

yotommy, this happened to my daughter and her friends too. Are you on the GW parents facebook group? Can you go there - we are talking about this situation there - GWU Parents facebook group -

I am complaining about this and elevating my concerns within the administration. Not happy that they are saying they “have housed all valid roommate groups together.” So not true. Many groups have been broken up and put with strangers. Makes you wonder if GW has a clue how to handle students and prevent problems down the road. Housing is so important and they are asking for trouble to not give students housing situations they can succeed in.

Well, at least I know that she has company in this unfortunate boat, bmcmom! I’ve been off Facebook for a couple of years, but I will suggest that group to my wife. Thanks for your post.

And @bmcmom, please let us know about what you learn from the administration.

All, I’ve been in touch with the administration and am not impressed with how they handle this. There are so many better ways to manage this and honesty is always a good policy. Very dissappointed in GW. Will post back in here if and when my daughter and her group get a housing offer. They are meeting with someone official at the housing office right now. I’m sure they will hear the same old things until May 8 comes and the study abroad deadline passes, and available spaces and rooms are assigned.

Please, when anyone who is going through this receives news of a housing assignment, please post here!

OP here. My daughter and her friends met with a staff member from the housing office, who told them that housing would work to keep them together, though they could not make any promises.

A few days ago, they got notified that they were all placed together in a dorm that was high on their list of choices.

I don’t pretend to understand what happened, but they are pleased with the outcome. I hope others have good outcomes as well!