<p>I'm planning on applying next year
I just finished up my sophomore year
My GPA is a 3.9 and my sGPA is a little higher I don't expect that it will drop any during my junior year.
I just started volunteering at a hospital and will have a little over a year of clinical experience when I apply.
I start research spring semester, as it is required for me because I'm in honors college
By the time I apply I'll have around a year of tutoring experience, and around a year of volunteering at a homeless shelter.
I'm also an URM</p>
<p>GPA is great, especially for a URM. Obviously, the MCAT score is the other side of the equation and should control for the difficulty of your college. EC’s look about average.</p>
<p>Your ECs sounds like they cover all the standard bases. Keep the GPA and get a decent MCAT score and you will be fine.</p>