How are American international students enjoying the University of Edinburgh?

Hello, I am interested in applying to the University of Edinburgh. I am currently attending a community college and I am wondering if there are any other transfer international students from the school that could let me know how the process of transferring works, obviously I have been doing my research online but I am still relatively confused. I am also wondering how American students are finding the academics. How are classes, tests, and assignments different in the UK? Is it difficult to adapt to cultural differences and it is hard to fit in as a foreign student? What is the city like? I would appreciate any input anyone has on the university and I would love it if some international students could let me know how the school compares to the U.S college system. Thanks so much!

The American students that I know at Edinburgh are loving their experience, but I do know one who left after a year- too far from home basically. Edinburgh is a great city- lots going on and a very manageable size. There is a good international contingent and the cultural differences are not difficult. The university doesn’t mind you the way a US uni would- but it may be more like a CC, so that could work to your favor: they have resources but you have to take the lead to go find them.

In general (it varies by subject, and it is a little different in Scotland than England) there is less emphasis on continuing assessment, and much more on exams. It is possible to have your only assessment in a class be the final exam, though that is less common these days.

Be warned that the marking schemes are different! Passing is 40%, and 70%+ is an A (and only about 10% of students get over a 70). Your course marks from the final 2 years of your degree are averaged, and you graduate with First Class Honors (over 70), Second Class Honors, 2.1 (60-69), Second Class Honors, 2.2 (50-59) or Pass (40-49). In the UK if you want a good job you need a 2.1; a Pass degree is viewed very badly.

One thing you need to be prepared for is that you can’t expect any of your credits to transfer. Transferring isn’t really a thing in the UK- you start over. If you look at the course descriptions you will see why: there is very little course choice, especially in the first years.