<p>Okay I just got my March scores back and they are:</p>
<p>CR: 630
M: 680
W: 670 (11 Essay)</p>
<p>1310 /1600
1980 /2400</p>
<p>How are my scores for Boston College, Northeastern University, Boston University, Villanova University, and New York University.</p>
<p>I will probably end up retaking it so it should go up slightly but do you think I will be competitive now at some, all, or none of the schools I listed above.
ALSO PLEASE NOTE: I will be applying to all of their business schools which they say is slightly more difficult (CSOM for BC, Stern for NYU, etc etc)</p>
<p>I’m gonna do like Reach/Match/Safety based on the scores:
NYU: Reach, you should get at least one 700
BC: Reach, the same
Northeastern: Match
BU: Match
Villanova: Match
All of these are possibilities with good GPA, ECs, etc. You’re in the ranges for all of these schools, but towards the low end for NYU and BC. Get it up a BIT and you’ll be all set.</p>
<p>I think that you’re in at Villanova and Northeastern. B.U. is a little bit tougher, but I would give you a 65% chance. BC and NYU are so tough, probably going to need a little higher SAT or ACT (taking them over again and again). Also, I am looking into SAT II’s and I suggest you do the same (if not done already). </p>
<p>for villanova you are good unless applying to the business school. then you need 1450 +. for Northeastern ur good, for BC and NYU u need 50-100 points higher. Nice job though for first time</p>
<p>villanova business school is one of the top in the country, you need 1400 and 1450 to be safe. All other schools in nova u could get into though</p>
<p>you should check out the tool thing that they have on collegeboard.com. you can type in your sat scores and see how they stack up with the average at colleges.</p>
<p>BC - match
NEU - match
BU - low match
Nova - high match
NYU - high match</p>
<p>NYU might not be so much a reach like MAB2010 says. It all depends on your ECs, which you haven’t listed.</p>
<p>NYU’s pretty big on the ECs and essays i believe. my friend got in with a mediocre gpa (3.5ish?) and a mediocre SAT(20something). but she was prom royalty one year and an ASB officer every year of highschool and has been on our school newspaper since her soph year, so her essay would have been prime.</p>
<p>was it for NYU stern though?? isn’t that more competitive? i will be applying to all their business schools which they say are a tad more competitive to get into, that’s why i made this thread. my SAT scores, when i compared them to data on collegeboard.com and such fell for all of them, within the 50% range (some higher than others) but i was just worried if it takes higher scores for the business schools… can anyone else comment on villanova… 1450 seems very high for it…</p>