How are the three essays graded?

Is the overall essay grade = A + B + C


essay grade = (A+B+C) / 3 ?

I am asking this question to determine if two essays are good enough or the optional essay C would be helpful.

Optional is a trick. It is says optional but you need to do it anyway to be competitive. Do more than required.Your competition is. Submit a resume. If review candidate, get letters of recommendation. Take every single opportunity to show them who you are in addition to your scores/rank.

@Bader316, Always do Essay C.

Essays are used to help send your ‘big picture’ beyond grades & list of EC. If you’re an automatic admit, they are used for scholarship & honors qualifications. IF you’re in Engineering they are used for admission to the college of Engineering. IF you are a review admit they are also used for admission to the university. Content is just as important as quality of writing. It is your opportunity to be more than a list of stats. Once you submit essays they can’t be changed, so if you have something to say - be sure to say it.

Are all the essays read and rated by the same person? Should you avoid repeating same details for example in essays A and B (and in the engineering essay within the common app)? If they are read by different people, then it could make sense to emphasize some detail in two or three of the essays.

@MadMoose and @Bader316 Personally I felt like this was and still is a mystery. It’s tough to get finite answers on how they are graded, and by whom, but without a doubt, I would try to weave some central themes between all of them. More than anything, they want to know who you are. They want to know why this is the school for you. Show your passion, whatever that may be. And I echo the words of those who have already commented. No matter what is labeled “optional” in your application, treat it as if it is required, and give it your best. Your goal is to stand out among everyone else. Last year, over 40,000 applications were submitted, so you can imagine what a difficult process it is for the review committes to go through all of these. However, I would imagine that there is a standardized rubric, and as long as you give your best, that is all that can be expected. Before submitting, read and reread. Have others read it with fresh eyes. This past spring, I read the stories of several parents who said that their students did not allow them to see their essays or help them with their applications. Many of them shared they regretted that when they were waiting for decisions, especially those who had been deferred. The work needs to be yours, but having others check for typographical, grammatical, and spelling errors is very important. Best of luck to you! Keep a close eye on this board and read threads starting back at last summer. You will get amazing advice from those who have gone before you.

We were told Essay C is the one for scholarships. I would fill out every essay available.