<p>Most of the threads seem to be about preparing for and getting into college. I'd like to hear from parents whose kids are already in college. How did they do? What challenges did they face?</p>
<p>We all know that homeschooled kids have consistently scored high on tests, won national contests, etc. How did this translate into college success?</p>
<p>We all know about hs kids like the Colfaxes, who went to Ivy Leagues and astonished everyone. Any other stories like that?</p>
<p>I'd particularly like to hear from unschoolers, or from anyone who, while not totally an unschooler, didn't use an extremely structured (translate: try to duplicate school) approach - anyone who followed the principle of child-led learning as defined by John Holt. Did your child have any difficulty transitioning to an environment of academic rigor?</p>
<p>Based on the stories I've read, it seems like if the kid is totally unschooled, then they are so passionate about learning that they are totally self-motivated when they get to college, and do great. In contrast, if they were homeschooled with a lot of structure, that's basically the same as conventional school, so they're used to it and do great.</p>
<p>But what about the kids who were homeschooled with the middle-of-the-road approach? Structure on some subjects, just enough to sour the taste of joyful unrestrained blissful learning, and freedom on others, thus resulting in a complex blended attitude towards learning but without the academic rigor (numerous hours spent buried in homework).</p>