How bad will a withdrawal look?


<p>It's my first semester in college, and I only wound up taking 10 credits (to make things worse, I'm on semesters...) because I really, really didn't like my economics class, so I ended up struggling in it. I would have finished with a C, but my first instinct was to protect my GPA. Will a withdrawal look really bad on my resume? It's my only first semseter, and I did OK otherwise (I have a 3.7 with the withdrawal, which isn't good, but I don't think I'm out of the running just yet), but how badly will this hurt me?</p>

<p>One W is not going to kill you. Neither will a C. Try to avoid W’s in the future.</p>

<p>To think that a 3.7 GPA “isn’t good” is slightly loopy. A 3.7 GPA is pretty good.</p>

<p>Well of course I’ll try to avoid them in the future. It’s just that I thought I would like economics, so I took a class, and ended up hating it, not being good at it, etc. I think I can pick it up from here, but I’m just worried that they’ll think that because I didn’t do so well my freshman year that I won’t do well in med school or something.</p>

<p>You won’t be applying to medical school with a transcript that’s only one semester or one year long. You have your sophomore and junior years, at least, to prove that you can do well in medical school.</p>