how big does suspension hurt you?

<p>I'm a senior now,</p>

<p>I was really stupid in my freshman year, and was caught plagirizing in English final paper.
I got D- for final grade eventually. Still, I somehow managed to get credit for the class and pass it.</p>

<p>I hate to admit it, but my freshman GPA was 2.5
The good thing is that i managed to pull this up and
sophomore: 3.7
junior: 3.9
and currently for senior pre-exam grade is 3.9</p>

<p>i took 3 SAT IIs (Bio, Chem, and Math IIC) all 800
and SAT I is 2240 (R 710, M 800, W 730).
Also, i am a National Merit Semi-finalist and sent letter of commendation to Northwestern.</p>

<p>Do i still have a shot for some selective colleges? I'm waiting responses from Northwestern and UofMichigan. </p>

<p>Please take a look at these and tell whether my foolishness in freshman year may hurt me.</p>

<p>Big proportion of my college essays were based on how i grew up from those mistakes.</p>

<p>oh… mistake…</p>

<p>it was not suspension actually, it was a probation for like half a semester.</p>

<p>i think you’re good… you really covered for it well with the great academic performance afterwards, and the great SAT. and its good that you explained in your essay.</p>

<p>i’d say you have an fairly strong chance at getting into Michigan.</p>