How can I improve to get into Clemson nursing major?

I’m a junior in high school, OOS, and first gen

9th grade went pretty well. I had all A’s. Took all honors and 2 regular

10th grade went okay. All A’s except for 2 B’s. Took all honors, 1 AP, 1 regular

11th grade looking almost like 9th grade. Should have all A’s this semester (maybe 1 B) and prob all A’s 2nd semester. 2 AP’s, rest honors, 1 regular

12th grade idk

Standardized Tests
Will probably take ACT (practice score was 28) taking it officially this weekend
Haven’t taken subject tests yet but plan to take in US History and Math II

4.7 I know it sounds ridiculous I’m honestly not sure if this is weighted or unweighted

NJHS - historian
Photography intern at local studio
NHS member
Save the Memories - historian
Part of project to help teach kids English in Cambodia

Basically I would like to know what I can improve in to get accepted as a nursing major.

Forgot to mention I’m applying to hospitals so I can volunteer

High school rank, GPA, test scores are the 3 key criteria listed for Nursing applicants on their admissions site.

It looks like you’re on the right track. You might try reaching out to their admissions to see if they can offer any statistics for qualified applicants around those criteria. Not all high schools rank. A 28 ACT is respectable but you might check with them to see if it is competitive for nursing. Also recommend you take SAT as some students fare better with one test type over the other. Also, take these tests more than once as Clemson super scores (takes the best sections of all your test dates for each test type to build the highest score possible).

Good luck!

@Banker1 Thanks! I did try to do the SAT, I don’t think its for me so I’m doing the ACT tomorrow. Do you know if they superscore the ACT?

Clemson superscores. So if one of the areas of ACT is holding you back then focus on that area.

That’s great to know. Thanks! @Banker1

^^ D is a junior nursing student at Clemson (loves it there !). Please check with admissions because I believe that they do not superscore the Act but in fact use the highest composite score ( see admissions website ) . They do allow score choice with the sat though. My son was also recently accepted there ( different major ) and they went by his highest composite act score as the composite is what’s listed as his " high score " on their checklist and not his superscore which was higher. They also use highest ACT composite for merit and not superscore . For nursing , GPA , rank ( at least top 10 %) , and test scores are all very important. Nursing and engineering are known at the school as being the most difficult majors to be accepted to especially OOS. I would call admissions and ask what test score to shoot for as I believe a competitive OOS score for nursing is likely in the 30s for ACT and equiv SAT. Good luck !!! It’s an awesome school!

Thanks for the correction @NJMOM3 and sorry for the misinformation in my post #4 @pl215382 . I looked deeper and contrary to the info I had first found Clemson doesn’t superscore either exam. They only allow students to selectively send in their highest SAT score. I second the recommendation above to call admissions and see what score is competitive for Nursing. Good luck!

^^ no problem !!! Just went through 3 of my kids applying there in the last few yrs so it’s fresh in my head ! Their admissions dept is very helpful and was very honest with my d a few yrs ago about a realistic score needed to be competitive coming from OOS.

Aw that sucks but thanks for the correction! @NJMOM3