How Can I Make Friends

<p>I am transferring this fall from a smaller school and this has been a major concern for me. I am painfully shy, take forever to warm up to people, and am socially awkward and I really don't want to be miserable here like I was at my old school.</p>

<p>All my friends from high school, I was friends with since elementary school. So when I got to college, I guess I really didn't know how to make any friends since all my previous friends I had known all my life (as stupid as that sounds..) I joined clubs and organizations, but I never made friends from those. I also have no idea how to make conversation with people I don't know very well. I don't want my college experience at Madison to be like what it was at my old school, because that was the most lonely I have ever felt in my life. What can I do to make friends there?</p>

<p>Pretend you are not shy, like to meet people and are chatty.
Fake that until you are comfortable introducing yourself, saying hi to everyone in the hall, and saying yes to every invitation to eat together, check out places on campus, and go to lame dorm parties.
You stop hiding behind the I’m painfully shy persona and take this opportunity to blossom into the person you always wished you could be.
Force yourself to put yourself out there.
No excuses.
How do you make conversation?
You ask them how they like the dorm, dorm food.
Where are they from, what’s their major, things you wish people would ask you when you are at a party or function.
Make eye contact, smile, and DO NOT say you are shy.</p>

<p>Join a club or organization. Makes it easier, join something that interests you & meets frequently…you then have a ready made peer group. What do you have an interest in?</p>

<p>Talk to people in your classes as well. Find out where they live, what their major is, where they’re from. Go to any clubs in your major/fields that interest you. Do not worry about it. The first part of the fall semester people often hang out with people in their dorm. Ask to join people at their table for meals. Ask those on your floor (assuming you are in the dorms) to go eat- meals or snacks. You don’t have to be a nonstop joiner but do not assume others will come to you, go to them. Ask questions about where to find things on campus from other students in your classes- the best way from point A to B for example. Also remember you will have aquaintances this fall, it can take much longer for friendships to evolve. Concentrate on why you transferred- for the academics.</p>

<p>I would highly recommend this video for you…</p>

<p>[VLOG</a> 49: Freshman Survival - YouTube](<a href=“VLOG 49: Freshman Survival - YouTube”>VLOG 49: Freshman Survival - YouTube)</p>

<p>P.S. excuse the language… :)</p>