How can I plan out my SAT prepare schedule if my test is in November?


<p>I am a Junior this fall, and that means I need to prepare for the upcoming SAT test. I'm not sure how should I construct my SAT plan if I start to prepare for the test in August. What are the things that I should do in 3 months in order to get a good score? And also, if I want to take a prep class in the summer, how shall it work?</p>


<p>Go through it a section at a time, you have enough time to spend 4 weeks on each section. Do lots of short practice tests…maybe 20 minutes…then review your answers and strategies. Try to beat your best score. Do this 2-4 times a week, the more the better. </p>

<p>In the weekends before the test a couple practices at full length. </p>

<p>Classes are fine but use books too. Take the class whenever its offered or you have time. </p>

<p>The PSAT is in October…are you planning to take that ? If so you may want to move your plans up to meet that date.</p>

<p>Im my opinion, don’t panic, and do just go money crazy.
I recommend on Amazon, buy the “Black Book” by Mike Barret. I have the book and it beats Princeton Review, it beats Barrons, and Kaplan. All those companies wont help you like the Black Book can. Secondly, you need to purchase along with the black book, College Boards “Blue Book”, the one without the CD, because its simply a waste. Those two books will help you prepare. As far as you, you need to be motivated and willing to actually practice. Don’t go haywire taking test after test. Work out each section and see where your difficulties are. Study, WHY YOU GOT THE QUESTION RIGHT and WHY YOU GOT THE QUESTION WRONG. understanding these two things will help you. As far as essay, grammer rules, tricks and tips, Its in the “Black Book” and also search some threads on CC. like Xiggi and many others. That’s ALL.</p>

<p>What Mitchklong said (see Post #2).</p>