How can I view my essay score before the report is relased

Today the December 2015 scores were released, and my score was delayed about 10 hours, presumably because I improved 150 points. However, I would like to see what score I got on the essay, my friends are all able to see their scores, and I was able to see it last time I took the SAT. Now, last time, I remember there being a separate window that showed your score breakdown by section and the writing’s essay and MC breakdown. This was available the first day the scores were released and I had no problem locating and viewing it. Today, I have not been able to find a way to get to the essay score and have constantly been redirected to my scores page that has my scores for the two tests I have taken. I can find no essay grade for my December test, and clicking on “understand test performance” only prompts a window saying the full report will be available in 7 days.