How can non-art major student take a drawing class?

<p>How can I take a drawing class in cal if I am not an art major? So funny that those drawing courses have so many prerequisites courses... Berkeley is so funny... what if i am just interested in drawing but I still can have a chance to take it because of not meeting the pre requirement...</p>

<p>you can just go to the class and not be enrolled / not have to take the prereqs/ not have to get a bad grade b/c you don’t know how to draw yet… lol</p>

<p>(obviously get there early so you have a seat and it isn’t awkward walking into a full class room without a place to sit…)</p>

<p>So will the teach allow me to draw? Or I can only sit there and listen</p>

<p>Have you tried the ASUC art studio classes?</p>