How common is merit aid & does it stack with need-based aid or replace it (at U of R)

These details are helpful, thank you!

Did you run the NPC before she applied? And if so, how did the package compare?

Our results for all schools were in the low thirties but I don’t recall exact amounts.

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My student has had zero issue with any changes to their merit only award, and they’re heading into their junior year.

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To OP’s post. I know it’s a late reply, but still early enough for application season and may help others who want to know down the road.

My D is attending her freshman year now. She received the Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award in her junior year of HS which waived her app fee and put her in for a possible scholarahip of the same name IF she was admitted. No guarantee to receive.
She actually got the scholarship upon admission for 14K per year (which was double what the scholarahip on their webpage states it’s worth.) We also received a nice FinAid award on top of that amount for her to attend and we’re considered middle class.

She did have to apply by Dec 1st deadline to be considered for merit. Not sure if they would have awarded the scholarship if she had missed that deadline or not. My advice is to not miss that deadline. The schools put that info out there for a reason. It could be why some admitted kids didn’t get truly earned and deserved merit, or that every kid granted admittance is deserving and there just isn’t enough to go around. Who can say?

But all in all, they gave BOTH a great FA grant and decent merit, if you can get it, for a middle class student. Ultimately, COA was within reason of our EFC. Make sure to get that FAFSA and CSS in asap, as well the IDOC, if required.

Hope this helps someone who may be wondering.