how competitive is Georgetown summer college?

<p>Is it very competitive to get into the Georgetown summer college?(Summer college is part of their programs for high school students)</p>

<p>My son attended summer of '09, prior to his senior year. I don’t know that the admissions process is competitive per se, but he would tell you he was surrounded by a lot of very smart kids. I think the admissions is more a function of available space. He took 6 credits and did well. Each class contained a handful of current G-town undergrads. He thoroughly enjoyed the experience. It also gave him an appreciation for how tough the competiton would be when the admissions process was for real.</p>

<p>One other thing - if you are taking classes for credit, make sure it is a true ‘college course’, taught by regular instructors. Retain your syllabus, notes etc. and anything that documents the rigor of the classroom instruction.</p>

<p>Summer classes tend to be less rigorous, though some of it is a factor that you’re not taking 5 classes at a time, as far as I know most, if not all, of the summer courses are taught by regular full-time professors…</p>