How competitive is VTOnline

<p>I am planning to apply for a Masters in Computer Science/Engineering at VTOnline. I had a bad GPA at my Bachelor's but have added over 9 years of programming experience since then.</p>

<p>I want to understand, how competitive is VTOnline admissions as compared to the admissions for regular programs at Virginia Tech?</p>

<p>Also, once you are in, how rigorous are the courses and how rigorous is the grading in VTOnline?</p>

<p>The admissions process seems to be through the grad school, so it would be equivalent to applying to VT for grad school. I don’t think they offer a Masters in Comp Sci, but they have one for Comp Eng.</p>

<p>[eLearning</a> Programs : Virginia Tech Online](<a href=“]eLearning”></p>

<p>There is the link for that. I should note, computer engineering is more than programming. I’m currently taking my first ECE class in undergrad, and it is all about circuits. It is my understanding CPE requires understanding in both the fields of CS and ECE. Unless you have some of that ECE knowledge, CPE will take a lot of time to get into considering you need to be able to understand how circuits and what not work.</p>

<p>I am going to guess the grading is like my undergrad classes and will vary class to class.</p>

<p>You might want to look up a forum dedicated to Grad admissions because I don’t know if anyone will be able to answer your questions with 100% certainty here.</p>

<p>Try asking here [Graduate</a> School - College Confidential](<a href=“]Graduate”>Graduate School - College Confidential Forums)</p>

<p>Thanks @marty212 . I am new here and did not know that this forum is being frequented only by undergrads. I have posted my question on the grad’s forum too.</p>

<p>Anyways, my undergrad was in computer science and engineering and we did quite a few ECE courses too. So, I am not very averse to ECE courses. Though, I want to focus more on the software side of it.</p>