How did Obama transfer into Columbia?

<p>Could that serve as motivation for us?</p>

<p>cause hes smart and he got affirmative action</p>

<p>he must have had a high gpa</p>

<p>His dad died.... So like, that would be a great essay topic, which also probably got him into Harvard Law.</p>

<p>"cause hes smart and he got affirmative action"</p>

<p>Nu-uh, he'd only get half of affirmative action 'cause he's half-white.</p>

<p>Occidental has a deal with Columbia that says that some oxy grads are guaranteed to go to Columbia law school. I'm guessing that relationship between the two schools helped him out.</p>

<p>Can we transfer into Columbia? Yes, we can!</p>

<p>No, his mother died after he graduated law school. She apparently spent her last days "worrying about medical bills," as a recent ad reminds us. Her HLS-educated son could not help...</p>

<p>How did he do it? He's pretty book smart. I'm sure he scored in the mid 170s on his LSAT.</p>

Can we transfer into Columbia? Yes, we can!


<p>lol (insert speech of vague and hopeful sentiment)</p>

Occidental has a deal with Columbia that says that some oxy grads are guaranteed to go to Columbia law school. I'm guessing that relationship between the two schools helped him out.


Um, he went to Harvard Law School. He transferred to Columbia undergrad.</p>

<p>I never said he went to law school at Columbia. I'm just saying that since the schools have that relationship, oxy students may get preferential treatment when transferring.</p>

there are a bunch of LACs that have that arrangement with Columbia. I don't think it helps with the transfer process.</p>

<p>omg. its cause hes black and smart. there. why cant anyone accept that? do you think columbia would have accepted him if were white and got 2.0 gpa?</p>

Ambitious (To be 44th president of the United States) + Smart (graduated top of Harvard Law) + Affirmative Action + Oxy = Done deal</p>

<p>This was over 25 years ago, things were different back then. The college process has greatly changed since then.</p>

<p>they didnt have affirmative action 25 yrs ago???!!! you sure??!?!</p>

<p>"omg. its cause hes black and smart. there. why cant anyone accept that? do you think columbia would have accepted him if were white and got 2.0 gpa?"</p>

<p>He's half-white.</p>

<p>yeah but you are qualified as black, especially with a last name like Obama. i knew someone who was half japanese and half black and he got into harvard. he told me harvard classified him as just black</p>

<p>50% Affirmative Action
50% Effort/intelligence </p>


<p>Hasn't anyone mentioned that Oxy is a superb school and if he did well there, he'd do as well or better at Columbia?</p>

<p>Jay Mathews transfered from Oxy to Harvard undergrad, which is the basis of his book Harvard</a>, Schmarvard.</p>