<p>I came up with "elleway" in like 2 minutes. I just love the word "elle" and its part of my name. Then I just attached it to "way" because I love getting things my way, lol.</p>
<p>It’s the early version of an Albert Hammond Jr song that I ironically haven’t listened to in years. I just like it because every forum I register with the name on, it isn’t taken, and it’s really easy to remember. Plus, it describes the kind of person I am. :)</p>
<p>I use this everywhere… really…</p>
<p>It’s my first name, my middle name, and the first letter of my last name.</p>
<p>Hannibal said mine, what other reason do I need? :]</p>
<p>It’s a fun word. :)</p>
<p>email address</p>
<p>I had an epic revelation from the almighty Zeus himself.</p>
<p>It’s a pretty good Queen song</p>
<p>Well, when I was 11 and thought I was “cool” on the internet, I changed SLAYER around to Saer, eliminating the L and Y.
But that’s one theory.
Historians also consider that I was born at a place that sounds like Saer, but spelled a bit differently.</p>
<p>My intended major (if you haven’t guessed already).</p>
<p>i used to play an online game, and named one of my characters flare. but flare was already taken, so i called it flare12345. Then, that was taken so i used flare12345neo for my character.
since then i have used this as my username for everything lol</p>
<p>I couldn’t think of anything better and I didn’t think it mattered. I wish I would have been more clever :/</p>
<p>esoteric+pterodactyl, the most fearsome beast to ever roam europe and northeast asia=esoteradactyl.</p>
<p>i originally came here for SAT advice o.o and people call me ren, the first part of my name</p>
<p>i chose this name because history comes crashing through my veins every day, and i look away from the mic to breathe in.</p>
<p>[YouTube</a> - “Chocolate Rain” Original Song by Tay Zonday](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA]YouTube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA)</p>
<p>i like magnetic poetry</p>
<p>mine came from a book written by Garth Nix on Abhorsen series, Lirael, etc. And there are a whole bunch of a class of magicians called Charter Mages in the novels. I thought those necromancers are cool, so I added “wild” (because I can be wild. =p) to “charter mage” to create my user name. lol.</p>
<p>^^ gimme an example of “magnetic poetry” .lol.</p>
<p>i tried using my email address, but it was taken… and somehow i ended up at : ).</p>