How did you get into Harvard/Stanford/Princeton/Yale/Berkeley as a Singaporean from a Junior College

  1. How did you get into the top 20 schools in the US as a Singaporean?
  2. I feel like I do have internships and as much research opportunities I could get, albeit a little lesser cos I'm an arts student so I don't have access to isef/olympiads/etc. Is it an attainable goal to land a place in these schools with straight As? Or is extracurriculars like top in the nation for olympiads/international research symposiums mandatory for admissions cos I do see a lot of US applicants having them in their resume?
  3. How else do I boost my chances of entry?

What type of research opportunities do you get in the humanities? (just curious)

I guess there are uni programmes and H3 but I don’t take any of them, most opps i was referring to were STEM related that I got in sec 4/jc 1… how about u?

I did HSSRP in Year 3 and HSSR in Y5-6, and also embarked on 2 additional mentorships/work attachments with history academics from NUS and SMU.