How difficult is it to maintain a 3.0 for scholarhsip money

Hi. I am a current senior in high school and I want to go to Xavier University next year. However, my parents are afraid that I will not be able to maintain the 3.0 gpa that my $19,000 scholarship requires. (They think it would be safer to go to Drake, where my $14,000 scholarship only has a 2.0 gpa requirement.) I was wondering how difficult maintaining a 3.0 gpa is and how grades are calculated at Xavier; are there in class assessments and homework grades/essay grades, or are grades done on a purely midterm/final exam basis?

I also got into xavier and got 20k (also got 15k by drake but have no interest going there) from what I hear it shouldn’t be that difficult to maintain a 3.0 since you were obviously pretty accomplished in high school