How do colleges view AP scores vs. SAT/ACT

I am wondering how much weight ap scores carry. I did a decent job on the SAT 2160 (690 R, 760 W, 720 M) and 32 ACT as well as SAT II : 760 USH, 730 WH, 700 Physics. I performed much better on ap scores though: 5's on Calc BC, Physics B, US H, W H, and Psych. I know that I need to work on my SAT/ACT (I haven't studied for any of them..) to get into top schools (duke, vandy, emory, georgetown, etc), but will my ap's boost my app much? I have seen lots of TOP notch "chance" threads with 2250+ sat's and 34+ ACT's and good ec's, but a mix of 3/4/5 on ap exams (with the tougher exams calc,physics being lower), so I feel as though my ap's will help (and I am taking 6 or 7 more next year...). Anyone have any opinions on my situation? Thanks</p>

<p>AP scores carry little to no weight on applications, they simply get you credit for classes.</p>