how do i get my ND email address??

<p>question- how do i get my ND e-mail address if i've already sent in all my paper work for acceptance?</p>

<p>yeah same here, gotta make the facebook</p>


<p>I believe they will send them out to us sometime this summer</p>

<p>if you need it you probably could talk with OIT and see if they can get you setup early. You just need to know your netid and once you do that you can set it up. Here is a blurb from the OIT website. </p>

<p>If you are a new student, staff, or faculty member, you can set your email/NetID password for the first time on the web at <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;.&lt;/p>

<p>hmm, i have my ND netID; looked it up on the internet...but i don't have my ndID </p>

<h1>...anyone know how to get that?</h1>

<p>you shouldn't need your ndID number for email, that is netID (just in case that is the confusion). The ndID is on the back of your ID card so you will probably get that when you get your ID.</p>

<p>You'll get a mailing in the summer giving you instructions on how to get your netID.</p>