How do you cope?

<p>For some reason CC would not for the life of me load and kept showing errors in connection :( I was just wondering how all you guys cope when you are unable to get onto CC</p>

<p>I usually run. I find that by running I can physically and mentally dull the pain I feel when cc isn’t up.</p>

<p>that happend to me and i was so suprised tonight when it loaded</p>

<p>Make my CC frustration my facebook status.</p>

<p>I don’t cope.</p>

<p>I do some homework. I see it as a sign, telling me to stop procrastinating. ;)</p>

<p>hahah sometimes i wish i never discouvered this site so i would actually do my homework. first thing i think of when i get home is to check this site haha</p>

<p>The problem for me is that I really don’t have hw anymore.</p>

<p>Talk to people, sleep, listen to movie music, ponder life, prepare for tennis season, and refresh.</p>

<p>ah lucky! I sometimes wish i didnt have homework anymore</p>

<p>Yell, punch wall, run around block, do homework, repeat.</p>

<p>i self-destruct.
with sharp pointy objects.</p>


<p>“Back in my day, we didn’t use Facebook–we had real friends”</p>

<p>Yep - MySpace</p>

<p>wow, i thought i was the only one who had this problem. yeah, I usually just weep quietly to myself. Then again, that’s how I solve all my problems<br>
=,( <em>plays world’s smallest violin</em></p>

<p>im new here.
but i realize now that its going to ruin my life as it has done to yours.
:frowning: haha</p>

<p>CC makes you walk alone.</p>

<p>… down the boulevard of broken dreams</p>

<p>…but dont look back in anger.</p>

<p>haha just thought id go with quoting lyrics.</p>