How do you pay rent while in college?

Tuition is now about 49000 updated

You need the formal offer letter and may need to be able to defend some sort of hardship appeal as to why your family cannot help you with the remainder needed for housing/food. The loans you listed are not the max you should be able to get as a junior transfer student. Yes, you need to earn as much as possible this summer. What was the EFC on your FAFSA?

Your current loans are 5500 federal loans plus 1000 estimated loan (is that a Emory loan?). You should be able to borrow another 2000 in federal loans. Since you need more then that, you will need another source of funds such as savings, job, private loans with a co-signer or a Parent Plus loan. Do you have a co-signer? Did you take any loans for your first two years.

$7500 loan, $3000 summer savings, $2500 work study, very tight. See if a quad room with a simplied meal plan is a bit cheaper. Most books can be had for much less than they estimate (used, rented). I think you need to appeal for at least $3000 more from the school (or your parents) or take it off the list. Maybe get rid of your car and sell other possessions? Depends how badly you really want to go to Emory. If you are a rising junior, that’s only $15K in loans. Do you have loans from your first two years?

@nepatsgirl I have only about 3000 from the first 2 years. Unfortunately, emory is actually my best choice economically for me. So far I have about 2000 saved.