<p>How do you really know you want to major in Pre-Med/ be a Doc?</p>
<p>Do you have a natural curiosity for science?
Are you willing to go into huge amounts of debt?
Do you like helping people?
Are you willing to attend school till your mid 20's?
Are you willing to study for 12 hours a day while you're a student and work for 36 hours straight when you are doctor?</p>
<p>If you have not yet pciked a major, you don't have to worry about this right now. As you go through college, the pred medical advisors can help you find internships where you observe and help doctors. It is also good to do any kind of service work that involves dealing with people and helping them with problems. These need not have a medical focus. You just want to find out how much satisfaction you get from the role as helper, and whether you can deal with the fact that often the amount of help you can provide is limited. Your courses will tell you whether you like the science, but this is actually less important. You need to become reasonably comfortable with biology, cell bioplogy and molecular biology- no need to go into great detail. The math and physics are much less important, you will never hear of them again once you get to medical school.</p>
<p>If you are reaching the end of college and you are unsure, then do not apply!!! The worst thing that can happen is to get to medical school, spend a fortune on it, then figure out that you do not want to be a doctor enough to justify the cost in dollars, time, and effort. More and more students take time after college to work and decide whether medicine is for them.</p>