<p>I say “twenty ten”.</p>
<p>Two thousand ten.</p>
<p>Definitely “Twenty Ten”</p>
<p>For 1998: Nineteen ninety eight.</p>
<p>Either two thousand ten or twenty ten.</p>
<p>This year. ‘Like THIS YEAR we gonna have blahblahblah’.</p>
<p>I say ‘two thousannten’, so there’s kind of a pause, but not as pronounced as 'two thousand ‘n ten’. I don’t have much occasion to say it though…</p>
<p>Twenty Ten sounds soooo much better</p>
<p>I say two thousand ten. Even when I read your question… that’s what I read it as. “How do you say two-thousand-ten?”</p>
<p>I sure as hell am not going to be the class of “Twenty Eleven”.</p>
<p>I just realized that because of the Chinese convention, I sometimes say it as “two-oh-one-oh”. I’m in the habit of saying “two-oh-one-one” for 2011 because “twothousannlev’n” is apparently incomprehensible to some people. “Twenty eleven” doesn’t sound too great though, I have to agree ^.</p>
<p>Two Thousand Ten - hooray for alliteration,</p>
<p>Square root of 4040100</p>