how does the communal bath in dorms work?

In a communal bathrooms in the residince halls, is it easy to handle everyday chores for the students, if their room is
away from it. Also like how many students share the bathrooms. Let’s say if 10 - 12 students share a communal bath with about 4 toilets and 5 showers/

Depends on the layout of the dorm in regards to how many share a bathroom. In my freshmen year, my dorm had about 25ish people sharing a communal bathroom with 3 toilets and 4 showers, since it was one communal bathroom per floor. The dorm I lived in sophomore year, in contrast, had 8 people sharing a communal bathroom with 2 toilets and 2 showers, since it was one communal bathroom per “pod.” Strangely enough, I don’t remember having to wait my turn for showers in freshmen year—I don’t know if it was because my shower time was so different from everyone else’s, or if people just naturally took showers at different enough times that it didn’t become a big problem.

I didn’t think it was too inconvenient to leave my room for the bathroom. For showering, just make sure to bring shower shoes and always double check for your towel and keys—there is always that poor person who gets accidentally locked out after a shower because they forgot their keys in their room.

Thank you for the info. Helps a lot.

I believe when my kid was in Sellery, the hallway was mixed gender – male and female rooms sprinkled throughout the hallway, but there were separate male and a female bathrooms. So, if there were about 12 or so males on a hallway, and 12 or so females, each bathroom had maybe 4-6 sinks, toilets, and showers. My kid never found access or privacy to be a challenge.