UVA is one of my top schools but that is purely because of the name brand and I’m in-state. I don’t really know how good it is for computer science. I plan on pursuing theoretical computer science and maybe get a Ph.D. down the road. I also don’t really understand the difference between the BA and the BS other than some general arts requirements the BA needs. I’m guessing the BS is better because CS is a STEM field and doesn’t have any general art reqs but I also really want to study math which is in the art department.
It’s alright, its 45th in Theory (for Publication Between 2009-2019): http://csrankings.org/#/index?act&crypt&log
They are not the most ideal because they only have 4 professors who published in Theory in the last 10 years, while most of the top Theory CS department have 15-20 with way more publication. If you like the research of their professor, you should go there. But having only 4 theory professors is pretty limiting.
P.S. don’t worry about BS vs BA too much; it’s just a name, it won’t matter if you go to academia (even in Industry, BA from UVA beats out BS from a random State School). CS PhD is very competitive, so research experience is a must. It would be more advantage to find a school with more theory professors (IMO).