<p>sure, it's perfect, but it is that impressive? maybe it's an inferiority complex but it doesn't seem so elusive to me.</p>
<p>it is the easiest area to get a 36 in, but that being said it is still VERY good.</p>
<p>it sucks you fail at life</p>
<p>obviously I was kidding just in case anyone thought I was being serious</p>
<p>as great as me getting a 36 in math</p>
<p>I got a 36 in math. How can I raise my 30 reading to 36?</p>
<p>i actually know exactly what you mean
not to be pompous or anything but after getting 36s in everything but science it really doesn’t seem so unapproachable and great anymore; i feel that if I do as well as I think I did on the SAT that it won’t feel as good either, even if it is perfect.</p>
<p>yea I’m getting that feeling too…
the first time I took, I got 27 and felt that it was impossible to get a full score, but then during my second time, I felt that the section was just SO much easier than before and managed 36
so I guess that’s what’s bothering me; the uncomfortable feeling that luck was on my side =/</p>
<p>Yep 36 on reading isn’t that impressive to me. Well, let me rephrase that. It’s impressive but certainly not impossible. If I took the test a few more times I think I’d eventually be able to get a 36 on it. Reading is the easiest section on the exam and a lot of people seem to get a perfect on it. So basically it’s really not elusive at all. It’s pretty straightforward and involves little analysis. For the most part the answers are just there waiting for you in the passage.</p>
<p>On the other hand, a 36 on science is a different story. I agree with jwarlick, a 36 is very approachable in every section except science for me. That section is just so unpredictable and varies so much in difficulty it’s hard to practice for, which I believe is why most people feel it’s the hardest section.</p>
<p>the thing that sucks for me is that I am the exact opposite from you all in the reading and science sections. For me, the answer is “right in the data/graph” in the science section and it is very easy for me to pick out the right answer. But the reading is not so straightforward; that is my worst section and can rarely clearly find the right answer to the hard questions.</p>
<p>So your 36 is amazing to me.</p>
<p>Well, I think it’s amazing… A 36 on the reading blows me away… I only do decently in the English section…I do horribly on everything else…</p>
<p>Being that you got a 36 for the reading section, are there any techniques you could give me? I mean…do you read the questions first then the answers? How do you do it? Being that Im a slow reader, how do you recommend that I do it?</p>
<p>Great job buddy,</p>
<p>i would dream for a 36 my highest is a 28</p>
<p>Reading is all about learning how to analyze stuff by doing harder things. I got a 36 in it and I didn’t prepare for the ACTs but I’ve taken SAT II’s in literature and also done practice AP tests for AP English and the multiple choice is the same type but way harder on those so having experienced those helps a lot. If you’re a fast enough reader where you can read the passage and still spend a good amount of time on each question, then I would definitely suggest reading it first and figuring out what it’s about before reading the questions. If not, then reading the questions and skimming for the answers will work but that definitely won’t get you a 36. There’s always a dumb answer or 2 that you can get rid of off the bat. There are some that are straight word from word out of the passage so those just have to do with remembering what you read. For others that aren’t as straightforward usually your first instinct is always right. The 2 most important things for it are speed (as is true of all the sections) because if you’re a fast enough reader that you can read every selection and then have enough time to think about each question and go back to the text then you should do very well, and the other is getting used to interpreting things the way standardized tests look for which is where your English class usually comes in (or at least that’s how it was with me). Idk if that helps but I hope it does. If not, sorry for ranting.</p>
<p>Here’s my “36” ranks</p>
<p>I would rather have a 36 in science the most. Then I would rather have a 36 in English, then Math, then Reading.</p>
<p>how about a 36 in reading, math, and science on the same test???</p>
<p>i think a 36 on the science is most impressive. It combines reading skills as well.</p>
<p>Science and Reading are the easiest for me.
English and Math are second.</p>
<p>It’s still any opinion question but say just generally reading = 36 is easiest for everyone.</p>
<p>Nah, Easiest for me is Math and Science. My reading was my next one. My lowest scores were from writing.</p>
<p>math and english are easy for me to get 36s in… science is close behind</p>
<p>reading for me was very hard (timing)</p>
<p>i got a 25, 21, and 23 on my first 3 ACTs on reading (baad…)</p>
<p>on my last test in June, I brought my reading up to a 34 (35 composite)</p>
<p>so for me, a 36 in reading would be excellent; but i’m content with a 34 in reading</p>
<p>but in actuality, a 36 in any subject is equally outstanding; it really depend on what you’re good at… if you’re bad at a subject but can pull off a 36 on it, then that’d be a great thing; if you’re good at it and get a 36, then it won’t seem as impressive (in my case, i would have been disappointed with anything other than a 36 on math and english since those are very strong for me)</p>