How hard is it to get a prerequisite override or a "permit?"

<p>DD (2nd semester freshman) wants to take Physics 106 (PH with Calc II) this fall. She has PH 125 (Honors PH with Calc I) now. She is being blocked when registering for it on MyBama. She is at the MATH 125 level (Calc I) because of AP Calc AB credit. She is signed up for MATH 126 (Calc II) in the fall. She is a Physics/Astrophysics major, so not taking PH 106 next fall will put her behind the pack. Looks like it may be called a “permit” in “registrar-speak.” Has anyone done or encountered this issue? Many thanks. </p>

<p>My daughter has received a couple of overrides this year (I’m assuming she has been approved for the one she was requesting last week). She added a major this year so she was a bit out of sync with some of the required prerequisites for the a couple of the courses. However, she’s been actually working a bit in the field and gaining real world experience and they appear to have considered that in granting the overrides. I think they look at the whole picture and grant them if they think the student will be successful without already having the required course. Like yours, my daughter’s resolution was to take the courses concurrently. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for the info lattelady! Good to know that it’s do-able.</p>

<p>Email The Physics Dept Head. The System Does Not Recognize PH 125. My Son Also Needed Some Overrides. </p>

<p>Thanks Longhaul. She did email her academic advisor (a PH prof) and the prof for the particular PH 106 class late on Friday evening, so she’s waiting for a response. If no results on Monday early, she’ll contact the dept head next.</p>

<p>Why is she being blocked? Is it cuz she took the honors version for I? that shouldnt matter.</p>

<p>M2ck, The System Did Not Recognize PH125 As Equivalent To PH 105 </p>

<p>lol…that is nutty. I know that my boys didnt take honors in both because of schedule, but I dont know which they did first.</p>

<p>This should be an easy fix. I wonder if it can be fixed at the UA level to eliminate the issue for any future kids. can the A&S registrar fix that pre-req? </p>

<p>Our DD is meeting with the prof for the PH 106 class on Wednesday. She should end up being allowed to take the class (just hope there are still seats left!). The issues is that MATH 126 is a prerequisite for PH 106 and not a co-requisite. We think that they will let her take MATH 126 and PH 106 concurrently. </p>